Planned Giving Advancement

Making the world better one charitable mission step at a time


Your Experienced Resource for Diversifying Fundraising Revenue

Leading with planned giving initiatives, Planned Giving Advancement is a consulting firm committed to assisting non-profit organizations in diversifying their fundraising revenue. We provide vital services such as prospect research, donor relationship cultivation, and the establishment of planned giving programs. Through our expertise, we have successfully secured millions of dollars in support for non-profits in the tri-state area.

We understand that effective fundraising requires a coordinated effort, and we offer expert advice to train your boards and position your development teams for success.

If you need assistance in diversifying your fundraising revenue streams, we can help. Contact us to schedule a consultation.





Contact Us to Customize Your Own Program

Prospect Research

Our prospect research services encompass a diverse array of offerings, such as pinpointing 10-20 fresh foundation funders, utilizing a prospect analysis algorithm to detect potential major gift and planned giving prospects, and creating comprehensive individual profiles.

Planned Giving Programs

Our planned giving program development involves a 6-12 month process that includes crafting a legacy gift form and gift acceptance template, Legacy Society planning sessions, prospect analysis, an annual communication plan, messaging for website and newsletters, and gift planning presentations for donor meetings.

Gift Planning and Coaching

For our nonprofit clients, we provide the following services to enhance development efforts

  • Estate and gift planning services

  • Executive and development team coaching

  • Donor relationship cultivation

  • Board and staff education and training